Saturday, March 12, 2005

The importance to reconnect

The atmosphere was quite conspicuous: loud lounge songs coming from the loudspeakers; people talking; cars racing by. And it was 10:30. On the seat beside me, lay a cake waiting for its receiver. There was supposed to be a surprise party for my friend there. So I scoured the place for the group, but there were no signs of them. Not long after that, my friend (the one organising the party) called. It was a no show there. The party moved to another place due to her unability to coax the birthday boy to go out. Oh, well. I'm kinda sleepy. But I have to go. One thing, I'm kinda important because I have the cake. Second, its my friends. And I havent seen them for a while.

My friends, at least this group of friends, always has something to tell. News, gossips, whos with who, whos getting pregnant and stuff. During our student days, we used to hang out and do stuff. Its more about bonding. Now, as we grow out from the cocoon, its more of reconnecting I guess.

Its true that we could never relived our days that has passed. But surely we dont want the bond that once tie us together be disconnected just like that.

I went home, weary-eyed, but happy. Happy with the thought that I did reconnect today.

Oh, how life is so hectic. But nobody wants to die alone, do we?

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