Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Develop better quads, hams and glutes

There are several ways to develop better, stronger and leaner quads, hamstrings and glutes. First, you can try running a very hilly route (a hilly stretch that should take you longer than 10 minutes to climb) and try to do 2-3 sets. Immediately, after your run, do 2 sets, 12 reps of static lunges with your body weight. Then, attempt to climb a few flight of stairs (up to level 3 of a building is good) and then descend. Do 2-3 sets.

Sigh. I have not been running uphill (or even downhill!) for quite sometime. So the above is my frustration after an attempt of 6k of hill running. My legs kills! Terasa nak terkeluar lutut! Have to work more on hills. Maybe boleh pinjam bukit Azwar. Boleh kan??

Saw Ronnie (again!) yesterday at KLCC, if I'm not mistaken. This time, it was really from afar. I was in the mosque la! I was there for my night run. Biasala, tak tahan panas! Later, after I finished my run, saw Fadzli. Haha! Still gleaming with his joy of breaking his PR. Aiyah, so what's next? Nilai half? Nope. Hong Leong? Charity la, go laa. MMDS? If have team members (Wendy!) then can la. Pacesetters 15k? Consider as long run. PJ Half? Go. Singapore? Definitely.

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