Arrived with Anne at Dataran close to 6.30am. Our bibs are with Grunge. He said he's still home. Aiyoh macha..
At 6.45, still no sign of macha. Said he's taking lrt cos many roads closed. Anne suggested it.
At 7.00, 10k runners were flagged off. Hahah.. aku ingat dah tanak lari and go back curling underneath the covers lagi best. Tapi, hope finally arrives, 15 minutes later. Pinned our bibs, and off we go chasing the pack.
Somewhere near DBP, lack of training starting to take a toll on my body. Sakit sini dan sana. Adoi! Nasib baik converged with other runners from 21k. So ramai sikit the crowd, and bersemangat sikit. My so called run has turned into run-walk event. Alah, biasalah, dah lama tak lari. Apa nak segan pun.
Near Ritz-Carlton's Caltex, went for pitstop. Puas pusing belakang kedai, rupa-rupanya jamban kat dalam. Ceh. Nasib baik the toilet was clean. After selesai mengosongkan pundi, ran back to the streets. Suddenly, had a pat on my back. "Hoi Tank," a voice startled me. Mary rupanya. Dia masuk 21k. She did well.
The suffering continues minutes and seconds after that. I only ran with my heart. Seriously, my body dah tak tahan. Rasa nak menjerit cam pondan je rasa. Tapi aku pikir, I've never DNF-ed before. And this wont be my first.
Cut the story short, I managed to finish the run at last. With all limbs intact. My body felt like I was clobbered by Ben Grimm from Fantastic Four.
And Im proud to tell that my fiancee, Anne, managed to finish her 10k--her first ever--without much training too. Sorry dear, I shouldve told you that 10k is not that near! Lepas ni nak lari lagi? hehehe...
Met up with the gang, Azwar, Azhar model spender, tapir, Bacin, Zailan, Faie, Mary, Purpz, Wendy, Haris. Lama tak jumpa korang. Gambar lepas ni load.