Monday, April 24, 2006

I suffered...

...but this one is for Wan Adriana Zahra. May you lead a healthy life.

After 10k of running, 45k of cycling and another 5k of running to cap it, now I am left with aches and soreness for the next few days. Haha. Endorphines can make you go crazy. Baca lagi!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Feels like making love....

Baby, when I think about you,
I think about love...
Baca lagi!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Crash into me...

Whenever you climb a hill, you will surely reach the top, right? Otherwise it wont be called climbing then.
Im about to reach the top of a hill. But I reckon the view is not that all pretty.

What do I have to do? Well, maybe I should just stop climbing and save myself from the perils of watching the view or, be a fool and go to the top, and roll myself downhill like a ball, hoping that the rocks, splinters and what-not wont my hurt my body, then crash to the ground. Pick myself up, and attempt to climb another hill.

Maybe I should do that.

It is a consolation to the wretched to have companions in misery - Publilius Syrus, 1st century BC.

Sarah McLachlan - Angel (Live)

Baca lagi!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

How hard it is?

How hard it is?

A friend once said, "...mat rempit pun dapat".

But, again, it is a tough game to play. A lot of perseverance should be taken into.

Its like Bukit Ampang-Hulu Langat: its hard but worth every drop of sweat. Baca lagi!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Lari, lari, lari!!

Di Menggatal, Sabah, 62 pendatang tanpa izin (PATI) melarikan diri dari Pusat Tahanan Sementara (PTS) Menggatal minggu lepas. Di Pokok Sena, Kedah, 24 pelatih Asrama Pokok Sena yang menempatkan tahanan sementara pesalah juvana berjaya melarikan diri dari asrama. Di Sepang, Terminal Penerbangan Tambang Murah (LCCT) dengan mudahnya dibolosi orang awam yang masuk hingga ke pintu kapal terbang.

Semua perkara ini membabitkan kawalan keselamatan yang disifatkan rakyat Malaysia sebagai yang ‘terselamat’ di rantau ini. Selamatkah? Siapa yang kata kita paling selamat? Mungkin kita rasa selamat sebab tak banyak kejadian pengganas atau rusuhan yang berlaku di negara kita. Tapi itu bukannya ukuran betapa selamat kawalan keselamatan kita.

Dalam kejadian di Menggatal, sejumlah 73 PATI telah bertindak memecahkan dinding bangunan pusat tahanan tersebut. Disebabkan itu, 50 anggota Pasukan Gerak Am (PGA) telah ‘dikejarkan’ ke tempat kejadian. Bagaimana pun, 62 PATI tetap terlepas.

50 sahaja berbanding 73? Ini bermakna, setiap anggota PGA perlu mangawal 1.46 orang PATI atau dengan kata lain, memang tak cukup tangan lah.

OK lah, disebabkan yang lari itu pun PATI, bukannya banduan ganas, maka ‘tak kisah’ sangatlah. Agaknya cabinet pun tak kecoh benda ni berbanding isu baju Rais Yatim.

Oh ya, sebelum aku lupa, orang gaji Datuk Nazri pun minggu lepas dah ‘lari’ dengan habuan beratus ribu RM. Entah-entah, yang kena tangkap tu scapegoat polis je. Hanya untuk tunjukkan yang polis buat kerja. Siapa tahu? Hanya polis dan kerajaan.

Kita ke Pokok Sena pula. Pelatih asrama yang lari itu dikatakan telah meloloskan diri melalui satu lubang yang dikorek berdekatan pagar keselamatan asrama tersebut.

Masa bersekolah asrama dulu, pernah juga korek lubang kat pagar sebab nak keluar malam. Tapi itu sekolah biasa. Dekat Pokok Sena tu asrama khusus untuk mereka yang sedang menunggu perbicaraan kes juvana. Pendek kata, mereka tu banduan lah juga.

Kalau kawalan keselamatan di asrama itu ketat seperti sepatutnya, kes ini tak akan berlaku. Pak guard yang ada pun entahkan dua orang sahaja satu syif. Tak tahu lah pula.

Yang di LCCT lagi menarik. Menarik sebab aku sendiri yang pergi. Tapi kawan aku yang masuk dalam. Sampai tayar kapal terbang lah katanya. Bukannya susah nak masuk. Pergi pintu ketibaan, masuk dengan buat muka selamba. Pak guard (Polis Bantuan) yang ada cuma tengok sahaja.

Yang kelakarnya, lepas keluar dalam suratkhabar baru nak perketatkan kawalan. Bayangkan kalau ada orang masuk dengan selamba; melepasi kawalan keselamatan, dan meletakkan bom dalam kapal terbang atau seumpanya. Tak ke jadi isu besar? Bukan setakat suratkhabar tempatan, silap-silap The New York Times pun nak cover!

Ini semua sikap ‘lengai’ pihak yang patut jaga keselamatan. Kalau semua yang terbabit dengan kawalan keselamatan, baik polis, askar mahupun pak guard sekali pun, mempunyai sikap begini, tak hairan la Al-Qaeda buat port kat Malaysia.

Baca lagi!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Humans, not lab rats.

Picked up The Constant Gardener at the local DVD peddler.

I was left in tears by the time the end credits roll.

No, I'm no sissy. But the film potrayed an inhumane act of people using helpless, innocent people in Africa as lab rats for the sake of money. Sedih.


Suddenly I have this urge to refer, explore, and increase my knowledge. I loved it when I aimlessly visited the Uni library back then. I will flip the pages of a book or journal that caught my eye. Hehe, Im not that studious type pun, but I just like to read about anything that is interesting to me. And, I only went to the library during siang hari je. Tak pun masa berdating. Hahaha.

"Rujuk, rujuk dan rujuk". That's what Mansor Ahmad Saman said to us while we were his students. An old sage he is, eh? I took his advice to heart. Baca lagi!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Waa so young wan!

I was surprised to hear that kids nowadays get into standard 1 at the ripe age of 6.

Heck, even I didn't know about this. Well over lunch today, my mom did mention something about the sending of my nephew to kindergarden. Suddenly she mentioned that their parents havent registered him to any of the schools nearby. Wow, that another thing I dont know. You have to register your kids like 2 years early beofre sending them to school.

So kids going to school at the age of 6. This means that kids a getting smarter and brighter every year. But sadly, the syllabus havent changed that much. OK, maybe it has changed but on the pretext of letting sudents learn what they want to learn it has not.

Just imagine at the age of 16, they will finish SPM. That if, they dont jump classes during primary school. Then, after 3-4 years at university (plus 1 and half year at matrix) they graduate. Age: 21. Then, they enter the job market. Man, these group of people need to be very, very special and talented and not to mention, having damn good grades to be able to enter the ever-challenging job market.

Even as we speak today, many employees are complaining that fresh grads arent 'suitable' enough to hold a position equal to their qualification. They say that 'lack of experience and on-the-job skills' as the culprit.

Well what do you know, come next 10 years, you might be interviewing a bunch of kids for a proffessional job. Baca lagi!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

I wanna... some nice, juicy steak tonight;
drink some virgin margarita;
play some monopoly, or even pictionary;
be merry with them guys;
and you.


MMDS 1 is looming around the corner. Come 23rd April, all da supastars in Malaysia will be present to vie for the most mmds points. Too bad there are only 2 series for this year leading up to powerman. Takpe ill be 'prepared' this time.

Shit, i to have to wake up in another hour... Baca lagi!