August comes again, and its time for me to splurge!. Why?
Becoz me birthday (*aku suda tua) is just around the corner. About 19 days to come la. I feel like getting something for myself, which I rarely do lately. Eh btul ke? Ngehhhhh hehehe. Ada la kebenarannya sikit kecuali henfon Sony Ericsson yg amat best beberapa bulan lalu. But lately tadak la.. Beli kasut pun kena rembat kat masjid. Hampehs. Anyway, here is some of the choices that i have narrowed down for me to pick one. (Satu je la mana ada duit duh!).
- World Press Photo 2008 book. A collection of the best press photography all year long with pictures that will sure to move you. I saw one at Kino. (Edit: someone apparently bermurah hati nak hadiahkan this book to me, which up to now I dont know who lagik kan. But thank you!)
- Think-Tank Lens Changer 25. Easier for me to change lens during 'shoonting' la. Just drop it in and voila! Saw it at Keat (Pudu) and YL Pudu Plaza.
- Tank wants a tank! A Tamiya German Tiger 1, 1/16 scale model. Memang orgasmic giler tengok tank ni even inside its box. Imagine klau dapat tengok live? You have to live circa 1942 to be able to la kan. Tengok PT-91M menembak aritu pun dah best!
- And maybe...this may seem far fetched (money wise). A dry cabinet for my ever expanding lense collection. AIPO Digital Series AP-38EX Dry Cabinet. Keeps moisture out of my camera and lenses, so no lumut! They do lumut you know, more if in such humid weather as ours. I saw this at
So there it is. Good choices out of many junks that I often wished I had. Good, useful choices apa, kan? Jadi, item manakah yang akan menjadi milik saudara kita yang bertuah ini? Nantikan jawapannya!
my ever expanding lense collection
aiyooo,cuba list2kan lense2 anda?
aku sekarang dalam proses mengusyar2 lense. jika dihitung2, kalu sekarang survey, dalam setahun lagi kot baru aku beli hehehe.
anyway, kamera aku letak dlm kotak dlm lemari kalo tak guna, agak2 lumut tak?
i received an sms today. somebody nak hadiahkan the world press photo book 2008 for your birthday. since takleh nak tinggalkan anonymous reply in your blog, the person asked me to tell you that. oleh yang demikian, you tak perlu beli the book. cannot tell you who it is...a surprise! :-D
ohh ada orang nak bagi hadiah! well ok..thank you very much to the anon people!
wondrousland: skang ada ef-s 10-22mm, ef 50 1.8, ef 135L, and not fogetting 18-55 kit lens tuh. kalau biar in damp humid place, akan ada lumut punya....for long term pegi la pakai once in a while.
Ko nak aku hadiahkan 1000 cucuk satay tak?
bro, kalau ko nak bagi, aku nak jemput orang ramai buat doa selamat!
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