Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Perforated eardrum

A ruptured or perforated eardrum is an opening in the tympanic membrane (eardrum).

Yes. I have a ruptured eardrum in my left ear. So the culprit was ear wax, or cerumen I believe. It has clooged my ear prior, and now it has caused an infection, thus perforated.

The doc (a young lad, I must say) prescribed me with antibiotic pills and ear drop.

What to expect?
A ruptured or perforated eardrum may be uncomfortable, but it usually heals by itself within 2 months. Any hearing loss is usually temporary.

That means i will be 'right-eared' for the next two months. Duh.


aharis said...

harap2 telinga ok dlm 2-3wks. Temp ajer tuh..
KLIM pi ker?

bola2api said...

ooo.. i have to remember to clean my earwax every 2 days like this...