Me, Bacin n JB gang with Azhar
It was a wonderful, albeit full satisfaction, experience. I did not race in the individual event due to lack of training. Kerja bagai nak rak, training apa! So, end up i cycled for a group set up by Azhar the mat salleh celup. Semua geng JB.
So to cut the story short, my kayuh was great! Not THAT great la, tapi ok la compared to my own expectations. Aku ingat, I can do it withing 2 hrs laa...sekali 1hr 26m!! Just 9 minutes behind Bacin yang cuba 'menyerap' kehebatan Steph! Hahaha... Ekceli, bacin potong aku somewhere after 30k of the cycling leg. Aku silap pi draft orang slow. Cilakak btul. And most of the time, i was drafting in a pack. Aku rasa that contribute to kepoweran aku mengayuh kali ini. Hahaha!!
I got a medal, and it has become a gift. Life is sweet.

Me n Bacin
(photo from KC)