Friday, June 23, 2006

Chicken Foldover

"What if your first love was your last?" - then you'll die heartbroken

"It stays with you to the end." - stay away from me u crazy woman!

"The one that got away." - try, or thou shalt not know

"The one you can never forget." - first cut is the deepest

"Love that never leaves." - it never does, but people do

"Does friendship end where love begins?" - does it have to?

"What happens when you fall in love with a friend?" - shit happens

"Everyone has a first love story to tell." - indeed, they do

Well, the above are some of Yasmin's probable tagline for her new movie, Mukhsin. Although, it kinda give me a smack on the face, though.


A friend with a crazy problem came looking for my counsel just as I was about to have some shut eye. But me being a good friend, went out to meet her. Lagipun its just 10pm.
Apparently she wants to ask me to go with her and work overseas.
Gilo apo. I guessed that this meeting was not about that actually. My guess was spot on. She was having that 'crazy obsession' again. She is obsessed with something--someone-- that couldnt be hers.
I gave her a slap on the face. Nah, I wish i could. My advice was simple, and any sane person wouldve said the same.


Finally got to workout. Stamina macam siut. Nemind. I have time after WC. Saw tis dude in RPM class. I just watched from outside je. He is sooo poyo. Clad in Colnago bike shorts and Nalini jersey. But his seat is just too high. Takkan dia tak tau adjust kut? Or dia memang poyo, all dressed up just to show off. Blearghh. People.