Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Maya Karin is sooooo hot! I saw her last nite in the show Ratu Sehari. Not that I am about to meet mine in the near future, but I sorta flipped to that channel coz there not much interesting stuff to watch last nite.

Btw, Sabbs photographer for her wedding (Adan) was featured in the show. Some talent those bunch of people. Certainly will look for them when my time comes.

Everybody went to PD last weekend! Azwar went there for a reunion. Geng projek went there for picnic. Me? Stuck in da office. Duh.

Azwar cycled his way to PD. Gee..I wish to do that soon.

As for geng projek, I heard they had lotsa fun despite arriving late. Well, there will be some other time, I hope.

And to you who silently read this, go easy on the donuts. Hehe...