Made a mistake by going out at 7. Orang berduyun-duyun drove to work. And to make life harder for me, every inch of the road diorang nak pakai. Come on la, leave some for bike and motorbike to menyelit. But seeing the look on their faces (the drivers) when i zoomed pass them on my bike, was absolutely priceless.
"Hoi, harga minyak dah naik and I'm faster than you--at times!"
Macam la aku kayuh laju sangat...
To the pakcik who doesnt eat rendang minang because its not 'melayu', fak off la! Minang osso rumpun melayu la you ignorant pisshead!
To Faris Al-Sultan who just won the Ironman Championship last Saturday, watchout for this kid.

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