Dont get any ideas. Its our bike ride yesterday night. We, me; Azwar; Ajeep and Julian, went for a long ride at Putrajaya. The heavy rain before did not deter the four of us from doing a 90k ride (I did only 60 of it), although it subsided to a drizzle just before we head off. Supposedly start at 10pm, but thanks to me, we were off at around 10:30.
According to Azwar, its just an easy ride. Yeah, of course it is. But the bump in mileage for me is almost a tad too much to handle. You see, the longest i've ever ridden before was 40k. Now, after a considerably long layoff, 60k seems almost too much. And being a bit busy during the day is not helping at all. Ahh, I'm just whining. Woi! But I managed to do it nevertheless. Semangat Ironman! heheh..
It was, pure fun. The feeling of spinning the pedal on every climb, at night, after rain was simply orgasmic. Ok, I'm maybe strecthing it too far -- but it was good, even there were at times my legs are killing me.
After the ride, I've concluded that I'm not at my best condition, ever. This time last year, I was preparing for Singapore Marathon and I can still do interval runs during the day. This time around, kaput. Bongok. Buduh dush! dush!
Click the pix to see 4 orang gile kayuh di Putrajaya sampai pukul 3:30 pagi courtesy of
Kuda Belang:

I've changed my tube twice today. Gilo. And this is my first time ever changing a bike tube. Tukar tube motor pernah la. And using my kepakaran menukar tiub motor, I managed to puncture one with my tools. Hahah.. eh, there's always the first one kan? I'm soo gonna buy another spare tomorrow. And apsal kena tukar tube at the first place? Because I ferociously pumped my tyre till the presta valve bent and broke. Hahaha again. Tu la dia akibat semangat sangat. But thanks to Azwar, Ajeep n Jules for the ride last night. It was such a motivation.
Baca lagi!