Just look at this cool fella ni the middle. Who said fat people cant do triathlons? siap ada mens breasts tu! Khakhakha..
Btw, just got back from my swim session. 'Lucky' me, I was swimming all alone today.
I cant seem to focus my stroke. Damn. Must concentrate harder.
There's one chick who was 'flying' in the water. Laps after laps. Seems effortless. You see, when the technique is right, youre on a flight.
Hmm, Cajun Chicken bun from Star*bucks is tasty ya? Especially when its free...hihi. Nak? There's more in the fridge.
So what, 2 weeks to go before PD? Can I make it? I sure love to just finish.
Oh ya, the smell of ITU is near our peninsular. At the south of our peninsular actually. So expect a lot of high profile action this Sunday. Go here to know more. The website is best, as always. Pelik... our athlete always like 'titik' theirs everytime they meet but cant we have a more happening events ka? Sponsors la, championcip la, clinics la. Kita? Still in infancy ka? (usual answer)
Ah...pedulik. Janji aku boleh buat. Ada duit, aku pegi sana. Boleh masuk ranking ITU ke mana tau...kuikuikui. Poyoria! Baca lagi!