17 May, 5:30 am.
Alarm clock aku dah bunyi. Tapi team mate aku (Haris) dok tido lagi. Aku pun rasa cam nak sambung sikit lagi. Kih kih... Tapi pukul 5:50 tu aku dah jaga balik. Cuci muka lebih kurang, gosok gigi and had 4 pieces of bread with sekaya for breakfast. If I were to straight away run after this, it wont be a problem. The thing is, I will be running at about 10-ish. So, nanti mesti lapar punya.
Lepas siap my gear and all, we head down to ground zero. Almost everybody was there la I think. Wendy had already checked her bike in, Haris is getting prepared to run the first leg. At 7:30, the individual category was let off. Then Haris came to the starting line for the relay cat.

Kepom! Pistol bunyik! Off he goes carrying the hopes of then nation on his shoulder. Eh, apa la aku merapu nih. Then me and Grunge went to a stall for some breakfast. Hehe..ada ke. Orang tgh sibuk hype nak race kita selamba pi makan.
About 40 minutes later, we found ourselves waiting near the transition area. Knowing that Haris sure will break his PR one, we anticipated when the my watch showed "45:00" minutes. Tetiba je, dah nampak dia coming back to the transition area. Fuyoh! Lajunyer! The the chip was passed to Wendy, and I took over the bib from Haris. Now Wendy has a 2+ hours of battle to fight. Me? Me n Grunge hung around the area, baca paper.
About one hour after Wendy left, I decided to munch sikit. Nasib baik beli Powerbar. Otherwise Im gonna be hungry later. Not good for me.

45 mins later, I decided to warm my muscles a bit. Mana tau Wendy terlaju pulak ke, tetiba aku tak ready lagi. So warm up lebih kurang sikit pastu tunggu kat transition area. Masa tu dah pukul 10 dah lebih kurang.
Psyching up before race...
Masa tunggu kat transition area tu, one-by-one team relay pegi. 'Aik, takkan tinggal berapa kerat jek?' Ada la 2-3 orang lagi tinggal. Not long after that, saw Wendy zooming in to the transition area. Hah? My turn ka? Aku kena lari ke? Grunge said, "Ala 8k je beb. 30 mint je la." Ceh. 30 minit hapa. Training pun dah lama tak buat. So Wendy sampai, amik chip, strap it to my ankle and off I went into the unknown! Masa exit transition tu, ada sikit refreshments. Volunteers tu offer kat aku and aku cakap "Takpe balik nanti saya amik". Pastu dengar diorang gelak as I ran leaving them.
Tu dia Wendy dah sampai!

Sudah sampai..
Pasang chip...

Off I go!
Wendy parking her bike.
Rasanya, first 2km tu ok lagi. Legs are doing good. Weather pun tak panas sangat. Upon reaching the 4km mark near the u-turn, alamak. 'Why am I running today?' Adoih kaki rasa berat pulok! At one point, theres this makcik potong me. She starts creeping slowly behind me. I could hear the footfall. Bit by bit, dia potong aku. Aiyark! Nasib baik category lain. Tapi I managed to tail her la. Tu pun just because shes in diff cat. As far as I can remember, nobody from my category potong sayur me and I didnt potong sayur anyone.
The last km, I think, near the junction going back to the starting point. I said to myself, "Have to tekan gila babi punya!" So I imagine myself pushing some special button that would enable me to push all the way to the finish line. Tiu tiu tiu...(bunyi game)
I can see the finish line! A few metres ahead, saw Haris waving at me. He took some pictures and then dashed to the finish chute. But the closer I am to the finish line, the MC didnt annouce my name/team pun. 'Oi aku dah sampai oi!' I shouted at her. I think she noticed la. Then I showed my bib number to her and she finally annouced me. Heheh...publisiti sikit kan.
Suprisingly, all the penat-ness seem to have diminish as I run to the finishing chute. Wow, I tell you there's no words that I can describe the feeling of of somebody welcoming you 'home' at the finish line. Simply superb. I even hopped my way to the finish line. Haha! Kalau masuk tv best nih!
Sikit lagi...
I'm home!
I made with the time of 43:20 mins. Our team, Cream Cracker made it in 3:50:43. We managed to place 10th out of 13 teams. Full results
At the finishing chute, we took some pictures and medals were given out here. Yahooo! My second medallion! Best! Met Azwar n his wife, crack up some jokes and all of us parted our own way.
The event itself was a blast. If one were to be there and be a spectator, you're missing out big time. Just look at Grunge's gloomy face:
Dont worry macha, Putrajaya ada lagi! Tunggu aku beli basikal!!
Baca lagi!